Monday, May 27, 2013

A Reunion and an Adventure

Every once in a while, a long-expected party lives up to all expectations.

A group of friends reunited this weekend, to celebrate a shared love for good food, entertaining society, and all things well made, well said, and well done. Our planned adventure took us to The Fiddler's Hearth in South Bend, a fine public house teeming full of families and friends, in addition to good food, drinks, and entertainment.

I loved the inquisitive eyes of children peering over well-worn benches.

Our table was covered in miscellany, from drinks to paper creations.


Delicious cheese, among other hearty things!

And, we celebrated a birthday! This cake was truly one of the best I've ever tasted
(though I was not surprised at all, since I knew who was making it).

This is the closest I have ever seen a face get to complete contentment.

Attempts were made to take a polaroid, but the film was damaged.
It did not, however, deter any of our enjoyment. We feasted, talked, listened, and couldn't stop smiling.

My friends, I salute you all. May our next meeting be less distant than usual or expected!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A welcome day.

Happy, joyous day! Friends' graduation, reunions, good work, and a beautiful sunset.