Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sketches: Figure Studies.

A few sketches from my Life Drawing class. We do multiple 3-, 5-, and 10-minute sketches of a model in similar poses. These sketches are from several different class periods to they are all quite diverse.

I just love this class. The constant practice and repetition is challenging: we are forced to continually reevaluate our attempts to draw accurately, all the while under the pressure of time constraints. While it's a fast-paced environment, I find it invigorating rather than stressful. Anyway, on to the artwork:

Thursday, February 24, 2011


A few recent projets from some design classes.

Project for Typography. 
Pen and ink on paper, scanned and touched up in Ps. 

Project for Computer Graphics.
Self-portrait in the style of Renoir. 

Just for fun: second self-portrait, mimicking Munch's The Scream. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

dA muro.

Finally found something really fun to do during Computer Graphics class: deviantART's excellent feature, muro! The digital art creation includes several brushes, color pickers, layers, transparency, and now allows you to save your work and return to it later (if you have an account). The platform also supports Wacom tablets=awesome! Spent probably about 2 hours total on this.

Check it out at

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Progression - Children of Cambodia I

This painting is still not quite finished, but it's done in its essentials. I figured I should post something before school starts again... so soon, so soon...

Watercolor, something like 12x16 in, can't quite remember. 2010.